I frequently hear comments about the amount of spent nuclear fuel for a certain amount of energy. One figure is that it is one pound coin for every household per year. Somewhere else I am told it is 0.3mg per KWh. Others will tell you that you could fit it into the Albert Hall – if you could you would soon not have an Albert Hall or a large part of central London.
Anyway, it is not too hard to get an estimate. Please note that this is based on what is really happening at the moment and not on some future sub-critical accelerator driven reactor in the future.
The amount of energy that you get from a given amount of nuclear fuel is called the burnup. The proposed newรย EPRs at Hinkley and Sizewell are supposed to have a burnup of 60GWdays per tonne of Uranium. The mass of fuel changes very little so this is the amount of spent fuel that you have at the end.
This is 1,440,000 MWh/TU – we get 1,440,000 Mega Watt Hours per tonne of uranium.
This means that the count of spent Uranium is 6.94x 10-7 Kg(U)/KWh.
However the fuel is actually UO2 so mass of spent fuel is 7.88 x 10-7 Kg(UO2)/KWh
But only about 35% of this is turned into electricity so we have 2.25 x 10-6 Kg(UO2)/KWh – this isรย 2mg per KWh – so the figure of 0.3mg is a bit out.
The average household in the UK uses about 4170KWh per year (2013 figures). So this will result in 0.0094Kg (9.4g) of spent fuel per household which is about the mass of a pound coin – 9.5g. The actual volume (0.68 pound coins) is slightly smaller since the fuel is denser than the coin.
However, at least initially the spent fuel is kept in their fuel assembly. Each fuel assembly is .214 by .215 by 4.059 meters, has a mass of 657.9 Kg and contains 523.4Kg of UO21.
Therefore each fuel assembly can produce 232,529,173.33 KWh of electricity. Therefore the mass of spent fuel including the assembly now works out at 11.80g per household – 1.24 pound coins. However, the volume has greatly increased and is now 3.90 pound coins.
However, the bare assemblies are still producing a lot of heat and are highly radioactive. They therefore have to be stored in cooling ponds or later on in dry casks. Let us take the example of a dry cask.
Each cask (VSC-24) can hold 24 assemblies. Therefore it would have produced 24 times the energy of a single assembly. Each cask weighs 151T when loaded and is 3.3m in diameter and 5m heigh2. This works out at a mass of 11.88 pound coins per household and a volume of 25.51 pound coins. However, there must be gaps between the casks we have to multiply the volume a certain amount3 – lets say 5 so we get a volume of 127.56 pound coins.
However, the waste must be stored for hundreds of thousands of years. The thin concrete of the dry casks, exposed to the atmosphere would not last that long. There are plans to bury the waste in a geological disposal facility (gdf).
Working out the volume/mass of this is rather tricky – do you take into account the access tunnels and the rather complicated geometry. However, just to get an idea I have taken the distance between the casks as 6m and added 6m above and below the cask. I have also assumed a cubic packing arrangement when if reality it would be a network of tunnels which are at least 40m apart4. Each storage position can only hold 4 PWR assemblies however, note that this is for fuel which has a much lower burnup than the 60GWd/TU we are looking at here so the spacing may have to be increased or the number of assemblies per storage position decreased.
This works out at a mass of 181 coins per household and a volume of 2320 coins.
Don’t forget that the figures quoted here are for each household – don’t forget to multiply by the 26.4 million households in the UK5.
A pdf of the image on this page can be downloaded here.
The Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded here.
1 More on High Level Waste, Nuclear Tourist, (http://www.nucleartourist.com/basics/hlwaste.htm)
2 Concrete spent fuel storage casks dose rates (https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:32037391)
3 If we consider a square unit cell with the cask of radius r at the centre. For a gap the diameter of one flask betweenรย reach cask then the unit cell must have dimensions of 4r x 4r. The ratio of the area of the flask to the area of the unit cell is therefore (4r)2/รโฌr2 = 16/รโฌ = 5.09.
4 Long-term safety for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark, Svensk Kรยคrnbrรยคnslehantering AB, March 2011 (https://www.stralsakerhetsmyndigheten.se/Global/Slutf%C3%B6rvar/KTL/KTL%203/01_vol1.pdf)
5 Families and Households, Office of National Statistics, 2013 (http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/family-demography/families-and-households/2013/stb-families.html)
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