Category: Nuclear Power
USA Nuclear Plants Shut Due To Flaws
It was announced recently that the troubled San Onofree nuclear plant in the US is to be shut permanently1. The plant has had a large […]
Drink Driving And Radiation Risk
Although I have talked about this topic previously here is another attempt of explaining a big misconception about radiation risk by comparing it to drink-driving. […]
Too Little Too Late
The government has now pushed back its timescale for nuclear ‘new build’ by five years. So already after the energy review in 2006 the nuclear […]
Thorium Reactors
I talked a bit about the question of thorium reactors and proliferation in a previous post. I try not to talk too much about pie-in-the-sky […]
Dragons, Meteors and Nuclear Power
In a previous post I wrote about how far back we need to look to have a reasonable chance of seeing rare events such as […]
Iran and Uranium Enrichment
In one of my previous posts I talked about the connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. In this post I am going to expand […]
150 Years Is Not Enough
At a recent meeting on ‘Coastal Processes’ at Sizewell held at Snape Maltings on the of 29th February Colin Taylor (Environment Manager (Marine), New Nuclear […]
Why The Nuclear Industry Cannot Predict The Past
The title of the post is not that original1 and you will have to bare with me to understand it. I read a yet another […]
Deep Geological Repository
It is planned that the spent fuel from Sizewell C&D will be moved to a final ‘geological repository’ in about 21301. At a recent consultation […]
Terrorist Attacks on Spent Nuclear Fuel Ponds
In my previous blog I talked about the amount of spent fuel and in particular Caesium 137 that will possible stored at Sizewell if the […]
Sizewell Nuclear Waste Dump
Unlike Sizewell A the waste from Sizewell B and from the proposed Sizewell C&D are to be stored on site until at least 21301. This […]
Cs-137 Inventories in Spent Fuel
In my previous post, I showed a method of getting a rough idea about how much Cs-137 there is in spent fuel as it leaves […]
Cs-137 in Spent Fuel as it leaves the reactor
I am now going to get a rough idea of how much caesium 137 there is in spent nuclear fuel. One reason for choosing Cs-137 […]
Production and Decay of Fission Products
We are going to assume that the fissile product has one mode of decay and does not do anything naughty, such as undergo neutron capture. […]
Composition of Spent Fuel
The fuel in modern nuclear power plants is enriched to 3-5% U-235 (which is the isotope that undergoes fission). Therefore we might expect that spent […]
Implications of High Burnup Fuel – Basic Notes
An important issue around nuclear new build is the amount and what happens to the spent fuel. The proposed EPR reactors at Sizewell and Hinkley […]
Spent Fuel – Basic Notes
These are just a few basic notes about spent fuel waste from nuclear power stations. It assumes a basic understanding of the nuclear fission process […]
Uranium Enrichment Formula
This is another one of those background information posts deriving the mass balances for uranium enrichment. Let us consider the following enrichment scenario: We have […]
TASC Leaflet – Meeting Our Energy Needs
This is a copy of the leaflet produced for Together Against Sizewell C ( The leaflet can be downloaded in pdf format from here. Before […]
3500 Tonnes of Spent Fuel may be produced by Sizewell C
I previously did a rough calculation about the amount of spent fuel waste that is going to be generated by Sizewell B (see Spent Fuel […]
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